Wine is basically made from two simple ingredients: yeast and grape juice. Actually, just about any fruit juice can be used, but by far the majority of all wine is made from the juice of the grape. Unfortunately, the subject of wine intimidates many people. Some people have grown shy of wine because they believe that there are right and wrong ways to enjoy it.

How is wine made?

Wine is produced by fermenting crushed grapes using various types of grapes. Yeast consumes the sugars found in the grapes and converts the grape juice into wine. Different varieties of grapes and strains of yeast are used depending on the type of wine being produced. Although other types of fruits such as apples and berries can also be fermented, the resultant wines are normally named after the fruit from which they are produced.

During fermentation, yeast spores will reproduce exponentially until all of the fermentable sugars have been consumed. During this fermentation process, the sugars are converted into alcohol and carbon dioxide.

The yeast will also affect the taste to the finished wine depending on various factors such as the strain of yeast used, the temperature during fermentation. In addition, different environmental factors such as plants and soil, as well as the weather, can also affect the outcome of the wine.

Once all of the fermentable sugars have been consumed, the yeast will fall to the bottom of the container. The wine is removed from the container, leaving the yeast, and is trasfered to another container to mature while waiting to be bottled.

Even though there are very few ingredients in a wine, there are many things which influence the taste of wine. First of all, there are different types of grapes. Each grape variety will produce different flavors, aromas, and even textures.

Besides that, the wine maker can control various things by the technique, temperature and yeast used during fermentation. Other variables such as fermenting or storing in oak barrels will also affect the taste.

Now that you've been introduced to wine, the best way to really get to know it is to drink it. Here, at Wine Actually, we will be doing some reviews on the various types of wine available in the market today. I highly recommend tasting sessions as a way to learn about the different varieties.

In addition to presenting you with good, basic wine information, our goal in this website is to encourage you to trust your judgment. If you find that you like red wine with fish instead of white, or you discover that you prefer your white wines at room temperature instead of chilled, or you decide to serve a dessert wine with your meal, we want you to feel free to do so.

Remember, wine is meant to be enjoyed!

What Is Wine?